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Today I Failed As a Parent

Yes, you read that title correctly. Today I failed as a parent. Being a mom, being a good mom, has always just come naturally to me. I have a wonderful mom who really influenced that nurturing instinct in me. There's a saying that a child can only give what they receive, and I must say I received a lot of affection and nurturing and love in my childhood, and so it's always come easy to me to give affection and to nurture and love. And I feel that so far, in my 2 years and 10 months of mothering, I've done a pretty good job.

But today, I really feel like a failure as a parent. Three weeks and 1 day after Christian's first palate reconstruction, I failed him. Three weeks and one day after Christian underwent major reconstructive surgery on his palate, I messed up big time. Day one into being released from wearing his arm restraints, I allowed Christian to go play in his brother's room unsupervised. This wasn't an issue or problem before surgery because our house is small and I can hear him at all times, there's nothing in there for him to get into except a toy box, and I peek in often. However, after surgery, we were on high alert. There was to be nothing, absolutely nothing in Christian's mouth for fear of puncturing or opening up his palate. The arm restraints were to prevent him from putting anything in his mouth himself by stopping his elbows from bending, but he didn't have to wear them anymore after yesterday.

Today Christian sat in his brother's room, not being watched, without his arm restraints, and it happened. He punctured a hole in his palate. I'm not sure how or on what, I just know it's there, and I am sick. My immediate reaction of "Oh God, no!" scared Christian a little bit. I guess he thought he was in trouble. As I frantically begged him to open his mouth and let me see, he became more scared. And there it was. His beautifully reconstructed palate punctured. My heart sank, I burst into tears, and my logical self began thinking what course of action needed to be taken.

There was no blood, and no safety concern for Christian, so I decided just to call his doctors office and leave a message. Realizing that it was too late in the day to get a call back from them (they are an hour ahead of me) I called Christian's Mimi who has been to all his appointments with me in Indianapolis and asked her what I should do next. She instructed me to call one of the surgeons who had operated on Christian, Dr. Costa, and email Dr. Flores, the main surgeon on his case. Dr. Costa called me back and, at least, put my mind at ease in assuring me that we probably don't need to rush to Indianapolis for emergency surgery.

I could absolutely kick myself for letting it happen. Why didn't I just make him play in the living room? Why didn't I just leave the arm restraints on him? Ugh!!!!!!!! I am so mad at myself. Today I have failed Christian. I know he won't remember this incident, but I know it will stay with me.


  1. Nothing I saw will take away the mother's guilt you feel. We may not condemn you but you condemn yourself. Even when they've fixed it..I know you will forever kick yourself. I think most mothers have been there- the "I should have been.." syndrome. Sadly, we're only human and can't be everywhere and be everything to our little ones. I'm so sorry you feel so bad. So so sorry :-( I wish I could erase the guilt for you. How is he doing though? Does he feel pain from the hole he made?

  2. You are not a failure!! Accidents happen. Please don't blame yourself.

  3. Be kind to yourself. We do our best, but life happens. If we live and learn, we're on the right path.

  4. My goodness you have not failed him dont be silly you do all you can for your lovely children. We all sometime do something being parents we wished we hadn't its just one of those things. He okay you spoke to the surgeon etc. Please forgive yourself its just alittle boy having a accident being alittle boy. Xxxx

  5. Lacey, you haven't failed Christian in the least. If your only fault was giving him space and freedom to be the thriving 2 year old that he is, then I think we have all failed as parents. He is so blessed to have a mom like you - one who consistently cares for him, protects him, and puts his needs and his life before her own....although I do think you should give yourself more credit. He will recover just fine and this will only be a long distant memory as he has plenty more bumps and bruises that any little boy gets along the way. You have stated yourself how resilient Christian is, and this is proof that he is one strong little guy. God bless you and your family. Hope you have a very Merry Christmas. :)

  6. Hey Lacey, you didn't fail as a mother. I know this has been said, but accidents do happen. You've been an amazing mother and an incredible woman. Christian is really blessed. Do take care, and God bless.

  7. We all make mistakes. It's all the joys of parenting. It doesn't come with a manual despite all the parenting books. I have seen your video and the pure love you have for your son. As mothers we all have been there, we all feel like failures or we are totally screwing up but we're not. You're an awesome mom. He loves you. Chin up. Your journey is just bringing, you got years left and lots of UPS and downs to go through. I have three boys...15, 12 and's been a roller coaster but I loved and still love being their mom. :) God bless you and your little man.

  8. Mrs Lacey, I just watched the video you posted on you tube about Christian. You are really an amazing mother. Lots of love to Christian and have a great year ahead. And by the way,you will never fail as a parent.

  9. Hi Lacey, my name is Cameron and I was reading up on your journey with Christian. I had a quick question and was hoping that you could email me back when you have a moment. I really appreciate it, thanks so much.

  10. Accidents happen as a mom! Your can't be perfect. There is no such thing!

  11. Lacey have you tried the Texas Children's Hospital, not sure if that's the whole name of it or not but I've heard some good things about it from the mom of a little boy I was following who had Cancer.

  12. God bless you! When I see Christian's smile, I see Jesus in him! Don't ever, ever give up, sister in Christ! You have not failed. God is with you! Zephaniah 3:17. And these verses are for Christian..."The joy of the LORD is my strength," and "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God."

  13. Lacey, I don't think you are a failure at all :) Accidents happen and you were just trying to let him have a bit of enjoyment. :) That's a cool thing for a mom to do for their kid when their kid is going through a rough time, and no one expects you to be a pro from the start of his surgeries :-) My mom said she was afraid to even walk around with me, b/c she thought the jarring might injure me. She said she walked into the room one day to see my 3-year old sister pushing my baby swing like crazy, and I was laughing my head off. She said that's when she realized I didn't want to live in a bubble--I wanted to live as normal of a life as possible. And after that, she said she tried to find ways to make the pain more bearable...I remember her taking me to the store when I was on liquid/soft diets and buying me a can of Redi-Whip and I was so excited. She would feed me pudding, applesauce, mashed potatoes, and she made it much more fun XD I remember sitting up late making jokes with her to comeback people's rude comments about my looks. I remember how she was always there for me, making things better and we didn't always play everything by the rules, but she did a good mix of doing what was needed for my surgeries and what was needed for my spirits. :) So I guess what I'm trying to say is it will all be ok when you do your best to help Christian, and don't worry about doing it perfectly (: You're perfect to him <3

    Love, from a girl with a bi-lateral cleft lip and palate...14 surgeries on my record and maybe more to go XD

  14. Hello everybody, My name is Jessica Morgan. I'm from United State. I am happy given this testimony on this forum on how Dr Ekpiku the greatest of all spell casters helped me to restored my son on drug addiction and getting my husband back to me. every night he comes back drunk,it became a big problem to the extent that my husband abandoned me and our son. every night I cried seeking for God's will, until a friend of mine introduced me to a spell caster,she introduced me to Dr Ekpiku.He told me not to worry that everything will be back to normal in 3 days. to my own surprise. a day later my son's attitude changed he quit drugs and drinking,,and my husband came back home to me pleading for forgiveness. Today we are living happily together as a happy family now.All thanks to Dr Iyare for helping me. May you live long sir. Should in case anybody need his help you can contact him on his email address and i assure you things will turn around for your good.


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