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Christian's bio in short - had to write this for something else and wanted to post it here!

Christian is a happy little boy who loves life. His favorite things are his Mama, his Nana, swimming, and music. He loves playing musical instruments, especially piano, guitar and drums, although as of yet he is still learning melody! :)

Christian was born with a birth defect called Tessier cleft lip and palate. This birth defect has only about 50 documented cases in the world. Christian's classification of Tessier cleft caused his eyes to cleft as well as his mouth, which means that he is blind.

Christian has had 3 surgeries so far and faces dozens more to repair his cleft. He has defeated all the odds and defied what doctors have said over and over. We were told that Christian wouldn't live once he was born. Not only did he live, he is a thriving and healthy little boy. We were told that Christian would be mentally impaired as well. Christian has proven to be smarter than many kids his age who have sight. Christian has never let his disability define who he is, or allow it to hold him back!

Our journey has not been an easy one, but it's definitely been worth every minute and every step we've taken. It's been hard dealing with people's reactions to Christian's appearance. We've had people stare or make rude comments to us about the way he looks many, many times. But recently, I posted a video to YouTube about our journey and how amazing Christian is, and the response has been amazing! Around 11 million people have watched the video and Christian's life has changed lives all over the world. Thousands of people have contacted me to let me know how Christian has touched them and helped them in some way.

I know that Christian is fearfully and wonderfully made, and that God's plans for him are so good! I am so proud of Christian for everything he has accomplished in his short life, and I can't wait to see all God has in store for him!


  1. Thank you for your updates & continuing to share your precious gift from God with us!! :)

  2. God bless Christian and your family always.

  3. Great! I am one of the thousand of people who saw the video.

    Let we do as our great Shepherd. (He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; He gently leads those that have.)

    You and your boy are in my heart.

  4. Hi Lacey, my son Seth has a bilateral cleft lip and palet and when I saw your video I was truely amazed. I wanted to add you on facebook to exchange stories/pics but you have too many fb friends! Haha. Send me a fb message if you'd like (: my name is Shelby Knight (Australia) and my profile picture is of me holding my adorable son (: hope to hear from you! x

  5. Amazing! Respect to you and your family!!! You all and Christian will be in my heart!!! <3


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