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Showing posts from 2022

Was That Rude?

At the Christmas parade last weekend!  Hey everyone! Christian and I experienced something recently that I wanted to talk about and share with you all! We were at his therapy center for him to do his regular physical and feeding therapy, and we were standing at the car because his therapist comes out to the car to get him to go into therapy and then  brings him back outside to the car so that we aren't waiting in the lobby. We have been really cautious since long before COVID was a thing about germs and illness because illnesses always seem to hit Christian really hard.  And then of course my dad almost died in February from COVID. So we just try to stay out of heavily populated places when we can and take common sense precautions like regular handwashing. So, one way we try to keep the germs down is to not wait inside the lobby of Christian's therapy center and instead we just wait in the car for therapies.  So anyway, we were standing next to our car with his therapist, and a

Self Love - My Journey to Learning to Love Myself

I have been on this journey of learning to love myself for many years now, and so I wanted to share some things with you guys today about what I'm learning. I've had a few people tell me that they are surprised to learn that I struggled with self worth issues, that I appear confident through social media, so I wanted to share with you guys that when I started my social influencer journey (on accident) 10 years ago, it was a HUGE act of courage for me to put myself out there like that. I was terrified and it took many years for me to build the courage and confidence of where I am today. Most of my posts that seemed confident were me pretending confidence, trying to fake it until I made it. I spent most of my life not having confidence, feeling like I wasn't good enough, and not loving myself. The way I learned this was subtle. It wasn't usually someone just outright declaring how awful I was. It was little quips here and there. It was me making a mistake and being shown

Don't Get Your Pleasure From My Pain

Hey guys! Thank you so much for joining  me  today on my blog! I've got something today that I want to talk about that has just fired  me  up, you guys. And so let's just jump right into it. I'm going to share a screen capture here for you guys.  I received a comment a few days ago on a video I posted. The video is of  me  holding Christian while Christian smiles. During the video, I give him a kiss on the cheek while a song plays in the background. The video text says "When people tell  me  that Christian shouldn't have been born" and then the lyrics to the song says "Let  me  show you what you're missing. Paradise."  So somebody actually had the... I don't even know what the word is... I would say low intelligence, but I don't even think it comes from that, and I don't want to insult people with intellectual disabilities because they know how to be decent humans. But the had the audacity or gall or whatever to comment on that video

A Buchanan Accessible Christmas

 Christian is always hard to buy gifts for. He has been since he passed the easier infant stage where he liked empty water bottles and dog toys. Every year, I spend a lot of time researching products and trying to make sure it's something that he will enjoy for more than 10 minutes. He likes toys that give some sort of feedback and he doesn't like toys where the feedback has to come from him or he has to imagine it. So, action figures and dress up are out, but karaoke machines and microphones are in!  Chandler is so easy to buy for compared to Christian. Chandler makes a list starting in about August and by December it's longer than we will ever be able to cover. He never gets everything on his list, but it's typical eight year old boys stuff, legos, hotwheels, minecraft, roblox and the sort. Meanwhile, Christian often struggles to even think of things he'd like to have. It's not that he doesn't want things, it's partly that the vibrant color or shinines

People Throw Rocks At Things That Shine

Hey guys. Today I want to talk about something that's come up recently in my life, but has sort of been an issue on and off for most of my life and something that most of you have probably dealt with at one point or another. Before I get started, I just wanted to say thank you for being here. Your reading and sharing of my content supports me and gets it into the hands of more people. So thank you!  I want to talk about bullies. I can't say that I got bullied a lot when I was in school.  Of course, there's always going to be some kid who makes some rude comment here in there, or finds a reason to make fun of you, but I can't say that I was subjected to serious bullying as a child. I didn't really experience bullying until adulthood, and it really got bad when  Christian was born. That's when it really laid it on heavy for me.  Of course, a lot of the bullying was because of Christian, but they were targeting me. I was the one that they came after, because Christ